
Learn More About Our Range of Services​

Monocacy Start Center offer Comprehensive Evaluation and Intervention Services.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Services

For years the Monocacy Start Center has been supporting families living with Autism Spectrum Disorders. We have the experience, knowledge, and skills to help individuals and families experience strong and lasting growth in their lives.

Psychotherapy Services​

The Monocacy Start Center has licensed therapists that address a broad range of issues in the lives of individuals and families living with autism spectrum disorders.  From individual therapy for problems relating to anxiety and depression, self-regulation, and self-control, to parent support in addressing challenging behaviors, our therapists provide support with coping and developing new skills to face behavioral and emotional challenges.

To get Started

Psychological Assessments

Services include comprehensive evaluations, learning, developmental, and behavioral assessments

This service is offered through our sister company Monocacy Neurodevelopment Center. 

Behavior Consultation

We work with family members and caregivers to provide strategies for learning, promote generalization of skills, and address behavioral challenges.

We also collaborate with educators, preschools, and other organizations that serve children and youth.

As our clients mature, we help with transition planning for adult life, employment, support with housing and transportation, and assisting with self-advocacy and financial literacy.

To get Started